Gause Surname History

A website dedicated to the research, development and preservation of the historical record of the descendants and ancestors of George Charles Gause (1695-1732).

Lo there do I see my Father,

Lo there do I see my Mother, my Sisters, my Brothers,

Lo there do I see the line of my people back to their beginning

They do call to me...


The Gause surname has had varied spellings over time, the most common variation's being: Gauche, Gous, Gouws, Gaus, Gosse, Gose, and Goss. The northern line of the Gause surname in America (Pennsylvania to Indiana, and beyond) are the descendants of G. Charles, who emigrated to the British Colonies between 1717-1720. For G. Charles, this was the beginning of the end of a 100 year search for his families place in religion and in the world.


Seeking Their Place in Religion & the World 1393-c.1720

The early record of the family in the old world and reasons for emigrating.

A New Life in Colonial Philadelphia 1720  

G. Charles Gause and the beginning of the Northern Gause line in America.

Four Years with Five Armies: Civil War 1861-1865

Medal of Honor recipient Isaac Gause and his service in the Second Ohio Cavalry.

An Outlaw in the Closet: Jesse James 1847-1882
The notorious outlaws lineage which connects him to the Gause family.

One End of the World to Another: World War II 1941-1945
From the Battle of the Bulge to the South Pacific, Gause service in the War.


William Gause and the Gause surname in the American South
Our brethren down south; are we all related?

Gause Coat of Arms
What some consider the Gause Family Coat of Arms

Genealogy Part I: 1393-1695

The earliest known records of the family until the emigration to America.

Research Style and Links 

A word about my research style and links that I use.

Message Board 

This site is not static!  I am open to messages, comments, concerns, criticism, ideas, or alternative views.  

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